
Mlahzanas translator automatically planet again Frankly, I am a loss where to begin large-sized lightweight talk bloc means many causes and one death, I mean a lot Mentor summarized But I want to live in the planet again ..................... Ok Bedouins n heralds Come enter the topic Ataiwl course, we all know what happens to all of us but Holina Vahminh different way any medicine that is already happening in the world ???????????????????? ??????????????? I do not Hdechl Ataiwl in politics because politics in the Arab world in particular is to prove that you are right if you are wrong ..... But every day generates millions of people let s'il surprising was how??? Beginning of the end of each course, but how it was surprising? Some of them die of starvation And the other killed And the other diseases And the other ignorance? And the remainder sense? Ok what Bimutwa hunger Maine are you poor colorful Africa, but not the song that Bilkenso declared that the salvation and eat whatever Haievdiloa stillborn from hunger, I do not know and get one billion Yet it is still Egypt Djaan designed that you eat every Ghalban certainly not this man THOUGHT Hvi him billion people and that they benefit their country but frankly de few strong people, especially the Arab world who Djaan good rights and Galaban remained factor Ze unfortunately word animal LES answer Eyal poverty inherited this group any poverty-old McCann defect but unfortunately poverty minds calamity, any people any people O people ???????????????????? Rights like everything, but it cancels the ignorance minds Because unfortunately in the minds like flint stones????

Ok that MENS Manimuthu killed a two-LES man kills man and wonder of the place of the assassin was killed satisfaction that Itguetl and any feeling person who Timo Maine Will not the reason for each death Heck killed if Shouf remained metres person killed every day how many animals are killed every second without cause Forced Is life like a good cheap Gulwli Monia participate in the truth animal rights are still often